ContextModuleFactory Hooks

The ContextModuleFactory module is used by the Compiler to generate dependencies from webpack specific require.context API. It resolves the requested directory, generates requests for each file and filters against passed regExp. Matching dependencies then passes through NormalModuleFactory.

The ContextModuleFactory class extends Tapable and provides the following lifecycle hooks. They can be tapped the same way as compiler hooks:

ContextModuleFactory.hooks.someHook.tap(/* ... */);

As with the compiler, tapAsync and tapPromise may also be available depending on the type of hook.



Called before resolving the requested directory. The request can be ignored by returning false.

  • Callback Parameters: data



Called after the requested directory resolved.

  • Callback Parameters: data



Called after directory contents are read. On recursive mode, calls for each sub-directory as well. Callback parameter is an array of all file and folder names in each directory.

  • Callback Parameters: fileNames



Called for each file after the request is created but before filtering against regExp.

  • Callback Parameters: request options


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